Plain Gita Recitation
Adhyaya 16
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Self Learning Bhagawad Gita
Adhyaya 2
Gita with Fusion Music
Adhyaya 13
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Adhyaya 16
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Adhyaya 18
Dear Patrons, We are making ‘Gita with Fusion Music’ open for free download. This will be very useful for today’s youth and music lovers. This will be extraordinary if you play on headphones while morning walk or play in your car on long drives. Children will also get an interest to learn the slokas, singing along, making shorts and enjoying the beauty of the Sanskrit language. We request you not to distribute, but to encourage your friends to submit their details here and download the 18 mp3 files as a single zip file.
Reviving the world from the pyramid’s base to the summit, focusing on nurturing thinking citizens, good officers, and good leaders with our three objects.
See the items under the activities Menu for more details.
Generally, Gita is recited in a standard mantra or shloka style, which will be easy for people who have some proficiency in Sanskrit. But, to enable everyone recite easily, We shall start digital promotion of this content all over the world no sooner we get 10,000 donors who can donate a small amount every month.
The GITA is made using Hindustani ragas for the first time in the world, where a normal person can casually listen and get the essence of the sloka. If one can play it whenever possible at home or at work or before bed, they can effortlessly understand Gita completely in a span of 1 year.
For the new generation of youth and foreigners, we made Bhagawat Gita with a Fusion of Indian, Middle Eastern, and Western Music, which gives a completely unorthodox and modern approach to learning or listening to Bhagawat Gita. Earphones are advised for listening to this Gita version.
As a part of the “Digital university” mode of teaching Gita, we have resolved to make Gita in 10 styles in the 20 most spoken languages of the world by the year 2030. So far, we have done 3 styles and 2 in the pipeline. We shall start promoting this content all over the world from February 2022 using the world’s best digital marketing methods.
The Objective is to identify 50,000 spiritually elevated people from outside India during 2026-2035, extensively teach them the GITA saar, pick 10,000 best of them, certify them as “Gita Teachers”, have 1 guru for every 1 million population who will systematically take Karma Yoga to 5 billion people by 2050.
Shata Koti Gita Jnana Yajna: If 1 crore of 100 crore dharmic people resolve to sponsor 1 Gita book @ Rs.200/- ($3) every month, we can distribute 100 crore Karma Yoga books (In Q&A Format) to people outside India in 100 months during 2027 to 2035. No one is dear to Lord Krishna more than the person involved in Gita Gnana Yagna. (Sloka 18.69).
Sampurna Ramayana with meanings is not available so far in the world! Isn’t it shocking? Let us do it now. Join us in digitizing the entire 24000 slokas of Valmiki Ramayana with meanings for the first time in the world in English, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada. The project is looking for a generous sponsor. We shall advertise the sponsor’s name and their products in the 648×5 – 3240 videos.
Ramayana is an extremely powerful vaccine and an antidote to adharma and violence. When the world forgets Ram as a hero, then, many times worse than Raavanas will be regarded as role models. Then, Many times worse will happen to mankind. So, we have resolved to produce a Hollywood film on Lord Rama and dub the same in 20 languages.
Students in their teenage experience many problems such as Infatuation, Being social, Unclear and uncertain future, Integration into the new system, understanding their subjects, financial issues, parents arguments, exam stress, discriminatory treatment by friends, Sectarian inferior complex, etc. With Gita Wisdom, they get the strength to address them all.
Help us Build Gita University
With Bhagawad Gita, people will understand their source and the reason for taking birth. Their thoughts, words, and actions will be pure, and they will do only Dharmic deeds. They understand that God is not a name or form to argue about with each other, but an ultimate Supreme energy that embeds all of us within it, and makes us experience whatever we wish and whatever we deserve with its Supreme Maya. With Gita Wisdom, people of different paths can live in harmony, making the world a better place to live.
How much fund is required?
We need 10 lakh people from all over the world who can donate Rs.12000/- ($ 160 ) or Rs.500/- (7$) per month for 24 months for all phases of Gita University Construction. The estimated budget is 1200 crores and we request everyone from Dharmic religious philosophies come forward and generously contribute.
What do the donors get?
Donors will get free access to our apps with Mp4 and Mp3 files on iOS and Android. They can use their email or cell number as their user-id to unlock the mobile apps. Currently, all the Gita mp4 files that are available on the apps are available on our YouTube channels also.