About Us
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About the founder.
The foundation was initially conceived by D. Anand K. Reddy, a post-graduate in Structural Engineering and a Managing Director of a Private limited company that is into training Civil and Mechanical Engineers on various Design software. Incidentally, it was the first company in India, to commence training on vertical CADD software in the year 1994. The company has successfully trained 1.2 lakh students from over 10 countries and is regarded as the single largest CADD Centre and the most quality CADD Institute in the country. The same directors have shifted all their training services online and freed themselves and are giving their full time for the objects of this Foundation.
Who will run the foundation?
This foundation will run with 108 Chief Advisory Board initially chosen on adhoc basis till the year 2026 and later systematically elected by bronze donors and above. These will be prominent members from the society from all over the world. All the members who donate over and above 1 crore rupees will be permanent members of this high-level board in addition to the 108-member CAB. This project is being done with no attachment to the fruit of action, with a non-doer feeling, with an equipoised state of mind, as a Yagna and a submission (havis) to Gods.
The 108-Member Chief Advisory board will be chosen from the gold donors and will be presented to the public shortly. Also, every donor will be in the hierarchy of the functioning of Gita University as mentioned briefly on Page-31 of our Project document.
Real people behind this project?
The material desires differ from person to person based on their education, skills, and interests in addition to the activeness of their trigunas and their past life karma. So, any project concerned with the material desires or objectives may be attributed to individuals. But, the feeling of the inner soul will be the same, and will not change with bodies. Every soul strives for internal peace and happiness and always tries to have harmony with others, because of its interconnection at the root level. This project document is a mere projection of what “you” must be feeling all these years, and so we are quite sure you will be stunned and happy to see your feelings getting transformed as this Project. So, it will be foolish to feel that this project is a patent idea of any individual or a certain group of people. It is just the reflection of your inner self and we feel over 1 crore people will own this foundation in the years to come, to promote Gita to 500 crore people by the year 2050.
Now, on the guidance and command of Lord Krishna, we have taken up the initiative of setting up the world’s first Bhagawat Gita University and dedicate it to the public for smooth, effective, and democratic functioning to meet its prime objective of ‘peace and harmony among people of diverse faiths‘.
It runs far better than a public limited enterprise, as this is concerned to the entire population in the world. The foundation aims in dismantling the wrong sectarian identities people have and drive them towards their real self thereby making them indulge only in dharmic deeds.
The foundation makes all its donors (who donate Rs.10000/- and above) members and advisors of the Foundation. Platinum donors will be permanent members of the foundation and Gold and Silver donors will have the right to contest for the topmost Authority – the 108 Member “Chief Advisory Board”.
Now, let us see about the Management Structure of the Foundation.
Organization Structure?
This organization has 6 broad classifications of Boards or Membership, the highest decision-making board being the CAB, the Chief Advisory Board, and the Steering Committee Board, S C B the Execution board, that implements the decisions of the CAB. We shall see them briefly now.
Steering Committee Board (S C B)
This is an 18 Member Steering Committee Board that will be elected by the 108 Member CAB, from people within them. This board shall implement all the decisions taken by CAB. These people should be able to give full time if not one full day every month on google meet or physically.
Chief Advisory Board (C A B)
This is a 108 Member Chief Advisory Board who will be elected from the millions of Executive Advisory Members (Silber donors and Gold donors) across the Globe. This is a High-level board, where all the decisions will be taken.
Big Donors.
In Addition to the 108 elected members of the CAB, all the donors who donate 1 crore rupees and above, will automatically become life members of this high-level board. This is the way we honor such generous people, who believe that individual peace is possible only with overall peace within the society and that the Peace follows immediately after learning Bhagawat Gita.
Executive Advisory Members (E A M).
Everyone who donates 1 lakh rupees and above will be an Executive Advisory Member and both the contesting rights along with voting rights to CAB Members. Further, all members who donate Rs.10,000/- donation for Gita university will have the right to vote for the 108 member Top Management board of the Foundation.
Primary Advisory Members (P A M).
Every person who enters into a monthly subscription of 2$ or 199 rupees every month through our Android or iOS App, will automatically become a primary advisory member, irrespective of their religious faith. They will have the right to submit their suggestions, through an exclusive member portal.
Gita Gurus Board.
Gita university shall train 2000 people as its first batch of students during 2025-26, from which it will pick the best 1000. Later, during 2026-2035, it will train 50000 people, from which it will choose 10000 enterprising people (preferably existing Yoga teachers and students) to set up an equal number of self-sustaining Sathsanghs all over the world. All these will function with an affiliation to Bhagawat Gita University.
So, by the year 2035, there shall be 1000 Senior gurus overlooking 10000 gurus, owning 10000 Sathsanghs across 195 countries. All these Sadgurus are meant to teach Bhagawat Gita (The true Yoga), within their designated 1 million people’s jurisdiction.
Functioning of the Foundation.
Let us see the basic flow of Ideas from members to the top management of the Foundation.
Consolidate the Suggestions.
E A M’s, P A M’s, and Gita Gurus from all Sathsanghs will advise through an exclusive online portal to the CAB. A special team of experts shall scrutinize, segregate, document, consolidate, and present to the CAB for further consideration.
Role of Chief Advisory Board.
The 108 member CAB will meet once in 3 years and freeze the road map for the next 3 years. The same shall be implemented by the 18 member S C B without any alterations.
Emergency Decisions.
For any emergency matters, the CAB shall meet online and take decisions, and pass them on to SCB. CAB will conduct annual meetings to review the works done by the 18 member SCB in the previous year.
Current Committee Members.
From November 2021 to March 2022, the Founder director will identify 108 people with the highest levels of integrity, interest, and commitment towards the foundation’s objectives and have them as the Chief Advisory Board on an Adhoc basis. If any Celebrity, Businessman, or Swamiji wishes to take part in this Maha Yagna, please WhatsApp their details to 8 9 7 7 0 3 1 0 6 8. We will be very grateful to meet them in person for considering having them on the high-level board.
Democratic methods will be implemented within 12 months of completing the Bhagawat Gita University. The 108 member High-level committee will be presented to the public most likely on 14th December 2021, Gita Jayanti day or Maximum by March 2022.
Presidential Board.
The Founder Director including himself shall constitute a hi-level 3 member Committee with one of them as President, the others Vice-Presidents. This 3 members presidential committee with a majority can override any of the decisions taken by SCB or CAB, quoting appropriate reasons.
They have the power to disqualify any member of SCB or ACB before their term on disciplinary, moral, ethical, and health grounds. The President and Vice-President will be people of the Highest reputation and stature in this country and will be announced shortly.
Full care is taken to make the Bhagawat Gita lovers, especially its donors, own this Foundation to achieve its objectives of peace and harmony among people of different faiths.
Company type.
This is a section-8 organization, registered with the Ministry of company affairs, Government of India. For 12A, 80G certifications, pick this link. (certifications)
How to make Foreign Contributions?
Go to support menu and choose whether you wish to contribute for physical university construction, Digital university or Mobile university and make your contributions accordingly.
Transparency of funds.
The annual balance sheet will be kept open on our website every year. The list of donors will also be kept on our website, taking care of personal privacy information. So, be assured. This is an organization preaching the effects of Karma and dharma, and will never do anything unjust and unlawful.
Note: If this text content differs from any of the video content we present on this website or our YouTube channels, one should consider the text content to be the latest decision of the foundation.
Jai Sri Krishna.
Those, who see God as the Supreme Soul equally present everywhere and in all living beings, do not degrade themselves by their mind. Thereby, they reach the supreme destination.