Celebrities ! Help us Build Gita University & the other Projects
For Project documents in the form of Pdf files, please visit this link [ https://gitauniversity.in/project-documents ]
1108 Divine Affluent people can save this world.
Past life Karma for Celebrities and Rich people!
The sanchitta karma for celebrities and rich people will be enormous on the good side. It is beyond any doubt that these souls are the ones who must have done a lot of Dharmic deeds in their past lives. As a result of their past life karma, they are blessed with name, fame, money, and happiness that the other 99.9% in this world can not have, despite their severe efforts.
“We need help from these great souls”
“Like how you did Dharmic deeds in your past life and the current life all these years, we request you to generously help us take Bhagawad Gita to 195 countries, establishing 10000 Gita Bhavans; one Gita Bhavan for every 1-million population”. We request affluent business people and celebrities to donate 1 crores each for Projects 2 and 3.
Projects Summary: The first initiative is focused on achieving Global peace with Gita wisdom, with the mission to disseminate Gita wisdom to over 50% of the world’s population by 2050 by creating 10,000 international Gita gurus. The second initiative aims to transform orphaned children into individuals embodying the qualities of Lord Ram, with a specific emphasis on preparing them for successful careers in the Indian Civil Services. Our goal is to give 10,000 such officers to India by 2060. The third initiative is to educate business people, politicians, and celebrities on the principles of Karma and Dharma. In this third initiative, we also aim to guide the directionless Affluent youth towards achieving the same success as their parents by revealing the hidden truth behind their birth.
The first project “International Institute for Global Citizenship – Gita University” will help India regain its Viswa guru position, which it lost 2000 years ago. For this, we require 108 divine people who can donate Rs.12 crores each. One may donate two crores initially, and the remaining ten crore rupees may be donated on Bhumi Puja day.
The Second project is “International School for Indian Civil Services & Sports”. We request all high-net-worth individuals to Imagine how wonderful it would be to have 10,000 Ram-like people across India in the most influential positions. The positive impact on good governance and the nation’s economy would be enormous. India can surpass Japan and China when we deploy 10,000 dharmic officers nationwide. The estimated cost for the first phase of the 10-phased project is Rs.400 crores. For this, we require 400 generous HNIs who can donate Rs.1 crore each.
The third project is “International School for Global leadership”. With this project, we will instill the Yogic principles in the hearts and minds of Politicians, CEOs, Celebrities and their children. The estimated cost of this project is Rs.600 crores. For this, we require 600 generous people who can donate Rs.1 crore each.
108 Divine dharmic donors x 12 crores each = 1296 crores for Project-1
1000 Generous donors x 1 crore each = 1000 crores for Projects 2 and 3.
Work done Since 2018/ Current Status of the Project?
Please visit DONORS SECTION, and you may notice “WORK DONE SINCE 2018 ALONG WITH THE CURRENT STATUS” at the end of the page. You may please pick the same and see the current status along with the work done since 2018.
Note: Please get in touch with Ms Reshma at 89779-31068 to facilitate our Directors’ meeting with potential donors, address any concerns, and subsequently receive the donation upon their satisfaction. Following this, a 30-minute interview with a well-known Lady Anchor will be conducted. After professional editing, the interview will be shared on our channel and another prominent YouTube channel linked to this initiative, encouraging additional affluent individuals to step forward and contribute.
Jai Shri Krishna