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Our Objectives.
We firmly believe sustainable global peace can only be attained through global citizenship. To become global citizens, it is crucial to explore the fundamental aspects of our inner selves and comprehend the profound purpose of our existence in the privileged form of a human body. To accomplish this, we propose introducing the Sovereign Yogic science as a scientific discipline to individuals outside India. We aim to ensure that Karma Yoga reaches more than half the world’s population by 2050 and three-quarters by 2100. We hold a firm conviction that this endeavour will eliminate all forms of divisive toxicities that stem from differences in religion, nationality, language, ethnicity, and caste and instead foster unity among individuals based on the inherent oneness of their souls at a broader level.
It is possible to cultivate and embody one’s admirable qualities and character traits through continuous observation. With this fundamental understanding, we have formulated our second objective and resolved to replicate the exemplary character of Lord Rama in 10,000 young individuals across India within the next three decades. If the traits of King Rama were instilled in a generation of young people, we can see a decrease in crime rates, corruption, and injustice. These youths would be committed to upholding moral values and serving society selflessly. With these real heroes taking top bureaucratic positions, the political landscape will shift towards more honest leaders who prioritize the well-being of their constituents over personal gain. Overall, India would experience a renaissance of Dharma characterized by compassion, integrity, and unity among its citizens. It’s an intriguing thought experiment that highlights the impact of strong role models on shaping society for the better.
Yogic Science to CEOs, Politicians, Civil Services officers and Affluent children: Over 60 million millionaires worldwide generate extensive employment opportunities and drive the global economy. It is concerning to observe that most of their offspring do not possess the same admirable qualities as their parents. Should these individuals deviate from the right path, it could potentially jeopardize the future of our world. The esteemed mentors at Gita University’s International School for Global Leadership will bestow the enlightening wisdom of Yoga upon these affluent youngsters, elevating them to the stature of their parents by conscientiously reminding them of their privileged birth resulting from virtuous actions in their past lives. Additionally, Gita University will conduct 1-week classes to enlighten the Affluent people about the advantages of adhering to righteousness and the repercussions of deviating from it.
Jai Sri Krishna