Hollywood Films on Lord Rama & Krishna
Objective: To make people understand the true meaning of Dharma and to make people understand how one should stick to Dharma despite life throwing many challenges. Another objective of this film is to bring back the lost glory of Lord Rama to enable people to look at RAMA as a role model in their lives. With this film, the people will refresh their current insane religious faiths and will start looking at Sanatana Dharma. This film will also drive spiritually elevated souls across the world to Gita University, the producer of the film.
Takeaways from the story of Ram.
We strongly believe that Ramayana teaches life skills, with which one can keep aside their weaknesses and move forward with focusing only on their strengths. It will not only make people stick to dharma, but also stand by it and fight for it. Like Lord Rama, they will befriend only good people even if they are found to be less powerful, and will avoid bad friends even if they are found to be more powerful.
Slowly, with the help of all good people, firmly ever stuck to dharma, having faith in themselves and faith in the highest cosmic power, they will march towards success. They can even attain liberation if they do not have any accrued karma phal (karmic debt) to experience.
Shame that Narottam is not known to the whole world!
Ram was supposedly the best among the best of men, the world has ever witnessed since its creation. But, why do 6 of 7 billion people, not know anything about ram? Did our people behave selfishly in giving the world, the knowledge of supreme Brahman to other continents?, or Was there a point of time, where Vedic civilization existed all over the world but was subjugated by demonic kings after Lord Krishna left his body.
The answer and reasons could be anything. The result? The world is paying now. Everyone is suffering from an extreme school of thought. But the biggest irony is that no one knows why they are suffering. Even if a learned person says that it is the absence of dharma in the hearts of people and the politicians the reason behind all our problems, people will laugh at him. They may even mock him or troll him. Sometimes even this learned man will be made to doubt his own dharma, as the majority does not have any clue on what dharma is.
Noxious and deleterious consequences of not knowing Rama?
We all know that ignorance is blindness. If ignorance increases, it poses a huge threat to wisdom. Blindness increased year by year since 3000bce. We ignored the disease for centuries. We have travelled very long without eyes. Now, when over 90% of people became blind, the people with eyesight are being treated as sick people. They will be mocked for what they are able to see. When people are not introduced to Iconic people like Rama with divine nature, they will automatically get introduced to people of demonic nature. Bad dominates the world only when good fails to do its job.
Ramayana is an extremely powerful vaccine and an antidote to adharma and violence. What happens if that vaccine is not made available to people all over the world? Undoubtedly, Ignorance will spread there. Evil propels there. Adharma and Ashanti prevail there, and finally, adharma will be looked at as dharma and dharma will be looked at as adharma. Perverted knowledge will prevail all over. When the world forgets Ram as a hero, then, many times worse than Raavanas will be regarded as role models. Then, Many times worse will happen to mankind.
When evil ruins the lives of people far away from us, we feel oblivious to such incidents. Then, We have no right to scream when it comes so close to us. Today, evil is in eye-to-eye contact with us. Either, we have to educate it tactfully or get eaten away by it.
Religion is the most insane invention ever in the History of mankind.
“The theory of God” which is supposed to make us understand our source and make us understand the reason for being born, and make us understand the two vital life elements karma and dharma, is working the other way round and becoming detrimental to human betterment.
Some say believe or die, some say believe and get cured of all the diseases. Some say believe and enjoy many times more in heaven than what you enjoy here on this earth. They say that God doesn’t judge based on our deeds but will bless based on the specific God’s name we believe in. They are so sick as they get so enraged with the form of God but ironically besotted with the name of God, to the extent they even resort to killing those who do not accept it. The question we have to ask ourselves here is that “did I ever exist before I came to earth”? If the answer is yes, why should I go to heaven leaving my original source where I existed from infinite time in the past? If the answer is no, then my soul has a date of birth, which means it will obviously have a date of death.
In the place where darkness prevails, evil rules. Then, these logical questions will never be permitted. They may cost one’s head. In such dreadful scenarios, the people’s wisdom will slowly die with generations. The logical mind will get permanent numbness. It will lose its rationality and stop thinking. When there is no thinking, there cannot be questioning. When the rational part of the humans die, they comfortably ignore the good deeds of the divine men, and the bad deeds of the evil men.
Insane citizenship – a boon for politicians.
The more the people become ignorant, non-issues will become issues, and real issues will become non-issues. The ignorant and foolish citizenship will become a boon for politicians with which they can easily manipulate them and multiply their assets. This is when society needs a complete correction and hence our Mission 5 Billion Project.
Let us drive away the ignorance with wisdom.
We all know that darkness is not an entity by itself. It is just the absence of light. So let us not blame someone else, for the darkness that is prevailing everywhere. Let us bring light to our lives, with Bhagawat Gita and Ramayana. Ramayana and Gita or any Vedic scripture, does not focus on the name and form of god. They will focus on What is Dharma and what is Adharma, the advantages of being Dharmic and the consequences of not being so.
Bhagawat Gita is the best way for us to understand who we are and why we are here, while the history of Lord Rama, is the best way for us to understand how one should stick to dharma despite life throwing many challenges. So far, we from Bhagawat Gita Foundation for Vedic studies, made Bhagawat Gita in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and a few other languages, in three different formats. We made an intriguing Bhagawad Gita, one with mind-boggling Fusion Music, and another, with Hindustani ragas, meant for self-learning purposes, for the first time in the world.
Our Proposal of making a Hollywood film on Lord Rama. We feel Lord Rama is the only one in history who should be called a Real Hero of all times and worth presenting his might to the world. But, unfortunately, for reasons not known to us, no one has attempted to present the Purushottam to the world. Moreover, we are wasting crores of rupees by making films portraying dubious and fictional characters as real heroes. Adding fuel to fire, it has become a crazy show business to construct statues spending thousands of crores leaving the world in darkness, just to showcase their pride and strengths. So, we have resolved to produce Hollywood films on Lord Rama and Lord Krishna through a reputed production house and Director of India in less than half the cost of the modern-day statue projects. The complete production finances will be handled by the world’s oldest Hindu organization and the filmmaking will be handled by the world’s oldest Hindu organization and the filmmaking will be handled by a team consisting of the most reputed film fraternities in India.
We have budgeted 200-250 crores for the English version of the film. The dubbing cost of the same in the 20 most popular languages of the world is budgeted between 200-250 crores including the promotion costs. So, this project needs about 10 lakh people from all over the world who can donate Rs.5000/- each. The profits from this film will be used to set up 1000 Gita Bhavans (Karma Yoga Centres) outside India.
When should we donate?
We will make every effort to inaugurate the international school for the Bhagavad Gita at Shankarpally on the Gita Jayanti day in 2025. To facilitate this process, we require the support of 200 philanthropic individuals to invest in 200 cottages. In the unlikely event of delays, we are confident that the project will be completed by December 20, 2026.
After commissioning this International School for Gita, we shall meet a few credible film celebrities and reputed organizations in India who can understand this project. We shall organize a press meet and announce the project in public after completing all the statutory requirements. Then, the public may follow the below steps and participate in this project.
Step-1: Express your interest in donating on our website universalheroram.com.
Step-2: We shall wait till we get the required number of donors.
Step-3: After getting EOI from the required number of people, we shall reveal the Director and Production team along with complete film schedules to the public.
Step-4: Then, people who have expressed their interest, may send their donations.