Refund Policy
Bhagawat Gita Foundation for Vedic studies has no refund policy for the donations or invoices made for our android or iOS apps. Donation amounts will be used for the objects of our foundation as below. It will not be made as a fixed deposit as a certain portion of the same will be spent on ancillary items that are mandatory for Gita university construction as briefed below.
We have allocated a budget of 10 crore rupees for creating Gita content in 10 styles and in 20 most spoken languages of the world. Of this, we have made 3 styles so far in 5+ languages and the fourth and fifth versions of Gita are under production now. Gita making in foreign languages other than English will start in the year 2024 and shall be completed by the time university construction gets completed. We shall also promote Gita content adopting various digital marketing methods with an initial budget of 5 lakhs per month during 2022-2023, and gradually take it to 30 lakhs per month from 2025-2026. Apart from this, we have budgeted 4 crores for making Ramayana in Five languages. We shall try to pool this money from 3240 sponsorers @ Rs.12000/- per donor (for 648 sargas x 5 languages). This is the first priority because, by the time Gita university gets commissioned, the content should be made available to enable the sathsanghs to use for teaching people and to distribute the seekers through mobile wisdom vans.
In addition to the above, there shall be an office expense of Rs.10 lakhs per month for the video editors and content creators along with other admin staff and consultants who take charge of fundraising through various popular YouTubers, industrialists and government. Additionally, we have allocated 7% amount towards the expenses and to meet the common objectives of YouTube channels and associates who help us in fundraising. So, during the years 2022-2025, about 15 crores is budgeted for Digital content making and other standard office expenses.
The remaining money that accounts for ~ 85% of the funds raised will be used only for Gita university land acquisition and construction. So, there is no scope for any sort of refund and people are required to read the entire project document and then donate or subscribe to our apps upon full belief and faith in the project and people.