The Original Mp3 files of all three styles of Gita are now free for Bronze donors (Donate > Rs.12000/- or $160). If you are a donor, you will get the download option while downloading your receipt in the donors’ section under the Gita University Menu bar.
Self-learning Bhagawat Gita with Hindustani Ragas.
We all know that learning through reading books is slowly fading away in today’s digital world. So, it has become difficult for today’s children and youth to study and learn from books, and hence prefer to listen to video presentations available on YouTube or various Apps. If one tries to learn Gita from YouTube or from apps available on Android or iOS, most of the current versions are not found to be of great use for beginners. With the desire to make us thoroughly understand the essence of Gita, our gurus are explaining every sloka too much in detail which is consuming a lot of time, and sometimes makes the sloka more complex to comprehend, and hence discouraging for today’s youth. They want everything straight, short, and crispy. For this, we have presented the slokas along with their meaning in the simplest form. We are sure that if one can just play these self-learning Gita audios or videos, in their free time at home, or at the office, or just before bed, one can effortlessly understand Bhagawat Gita completely.
Pick the below link to see the list of YouTube Channels available.
Jai Sri Krishna.