Without your help and support, we cannot take GITA to 195 countries and teach 5 billion people. If you like our objects, we request you to carry our sample Gita videos along with a few videos about Gita University on your YouTube channel.
You may also ask your subscribers at the end of your videos to donate for Gita university construction. We will be happy to share 10% of the donation amount for your channel running expenses etc. We can also give a separate Bank Account for large subscriber base YouTube channels to enable their subscribers remit their donations to have more clarity on one’s individual efforts.
We plan to have a tie-up with 100 popular Youtubers all over the world for getting 2 lakh donors who can on average donate Rs.10000/- or $140 for Gita University construction.
Please fill in the form below and our Board members shall revert to you.
Jai Shri Krishna