Support Digital University

Let Karma Yoga content reach every cell phone and computer all over the world.

Donors required for Content Development
We need 4000 donors who can donate Rs.1000/- every month to meet the expenses of producing 10 styles of GITA  in the 20 most spoken languages of the world. As of now, we have completed making 3 styles of GITA in 5+ languages.

Donors required for Digital promotion
To start with, during 2023-2030, we need 6000 donors who can donate Rs.500/- every month to meet the expenses to promote Gita in 20 languages across 195 countries on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc. Later from the year 2030 to 2050, once the university gets equipped with the full content, we need to scale up the daily budget 100 times, and we need one crore people who can donate 1 rupee every day.

We kindly request everyone to step forward and contribute without relying on the assumption that others will make donations. We expect every person from Dharmic spiritual philosophies to come forward and donate as little as Rs.100/- to Rs.1000/- every month to create Gita content and promote it worldwide using best-in-class digital marketing methods. Without 10 million people helping this project, Gita cannot reach to 5 billion people outside India. Without Gita wisdom injected into people, they cannot become Global Citizens, the fundamental prerequisite for Global peace. If you have any questions, please call Ms Reshma on 89779 31068.

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