We contact organizations seeking their help to take forward the objects of Gita University and sometimes others offer their help in some form or the other. Here we shall list the people/ firms and the scope of our association with whom we formally or informally agree to work together.
Everyone, right from an infant to an old aged person, experience a lot of chaos from within and outside. We always feel in the coming 2-3 years, we can get rid of all the problems and be happy. Never has it happened and one day we stop breathing. Time is running off. Ask your questions.
If 1 crore people resolve to sponsor 1 Gita book @ Rs.200/- ($3) every month, we can distribute 100 crore books (In Q&A Format) to people outside India in the coming 100 months. There is no one dear to Lord Krishna, more than the person who involves in Gita Gnana Yagna. (18.69)
College students experience many problems such as dealing with Infatuation, Being social, uncertain future, Integration into the new system, understanding the subjects, financial problems, exam stress, discriminatory treatment by friends, etc. With Gita Wisdom, we get the strength to address them all.
Download Gita radio on iOS and Android and get 24 x 7 Gita broadcast in English, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada. One can download this completely free and learn Bhagawad Gita on their own. The radio App users are requested to sponsor 1 Gita book every month for free distribution outside India.
In the year 2017, we have resolved to make 10 Gita styles and made 3 so far. The Dashavatar will be an extraordinary spectacle, a live visual of Lord Krishna for 45 minutes with a spellbound display of the Viratroop in the end. This drives people of all cultures towards the Principle of Karma and Dharma.
Volunteers are very vital for any non-profit organization like ours. Unless or otherwise, we have a huge volunteer base, we cannot reach our objective of teaching Gita to 5 billion people. Their participation of at least 10 minutes a day makes our Foundation quickly reach its objects.
The sanchitta karma for celebrities and rich people will be enormous. It is beyond any doubt that these souls did countless Dharmic deeds in their past life and as a result, they are now blessed with everything they want in life. We request these great souls to once again exhibit their legacy.
To make the Gita University possible, we need to reach prospective donors living all over India and abroad. For this, we need support from YouTube channels with a large subscriber base to carry information and news about Gita University and its objects on their YouTube channel.
With Gita, children will understand the purpose of life and the underlying principle of Dharma and Karma. They can handle friendships properly. They will come out of the stigma that “I am not well – others are well” and will finally get to understand the reality that “I am ok – all are ok”.