The GITA is made using Hindustani ragas for the first time in the world, where a normal person can casually listen and get the essence of the sloka. If one can play it whenever possible at home or at work or before bed, they can effortlessly understand Gita completely in a span of 1 year.
For the new generation of youth and foreigners, we made Bhagawat Gita with a Fusion of Indian, Middle Eastern, and Western Music, which gives a completely unorthodox and modern approach to learning or listening to Bhagawat Gita. Earphones are advised for listening to this Gita version.
Do you love Lord Rama? If yes, you will appreciate our effort of digitizing the entire 24000 slokas of Valmiki Ramayana with meanings as a practical part of “GITA” for the first time in the world in English, Hindi, Telugu, and Kannada. The project needs 2592 donors who can sponsor Rs.12000/- for a sarga.
The Objective of Gita University is to identify 50000 spiritually elevated people from all over the world, extensively train them on Bhagawad Gita, choose and certify 10000 best of them as “Sadhgurus” and take Gita Wisdom through them to over 50% of the world’s population by the year 2050.
Our goal is to make 10 types of Bhagawat Gita in 15 foreign languages and 5 Indian languages by 2030. Started in the year 2017, so far, we have made three types of Bhagawat Gita in Five languages and are available free for our donors on Android and iOS devices. Download our apps now.